4th Corvus Applied History Workshop (17-11-23)
Corvus hosts it fourth workshop in Brussels. The session will further discuss the topic of 'weaponized history', including perspectives from academia, the military and entertainment.
Together with the Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU, Corvus hosts a forum discussion 'Weaponized History' in Brussels. More information and a registration link can be found here.
Het verhaal van Vlaanderen leeft. Met meer dan anderhalf miljoen kijkers per week is de reeks nu al het meest bekeken publiekshistorisch product van de afgelopen kwarteeuw. En misschien nog het belangrijkste van allemaal: Het verhaal heeft de maatschappelijke discussies over geschiedenis stevig aangewakkerd. Wekelijks fileren zowel specialisten als occasionele kijkers wie en wat er allemaal aan bod kwam, en of de reeks daarmee de juiste keuzes heeft gemaakt.
Op 14 maart zet Corvus de discussie over de selectiemethodes van Het verhaal van Vlaanderen verder. Jesse Fabré, redacteur bij productiehuis De Mensen, gaat in gesprek met Tinne Claes, Bart Willems en Chanelle Delameillieure, drie ervaren (publieks)historici. Samen zullen ze het hebben over de mogelijke kansen, moeilijkheden en fouten bij het kiezen van historisch materiaal voor publicatie, of die nu publiekshistorisch of wetenschappelijk van aard zijn.
Voor meer informatie en de officiële uitnodiging: klik hier
Bram De Ridder offers an introduction to the notion of applied history in International Public History. He discusses several old and new approaches, highlighting a tension between applied history as 'history and policy' and 'public history. The article can be found on the website of IPH (not open access), or by clicking here.
Corvus hosts it third one-day workshop at the Faculty of Arts in Leuven. The session will include an open discussion about applied history practices in different settings, relying on the expertise of a range of academics and professionals.
History communicator Jason Steinhauer presents his new book about the impact of the internet on our understanding of the past
Corvus hosts it second one-day workshop at the State Archives in Leuven. The participants will discuss applied history practices 'from above' and 'from below', in particular in the context of media, government and civil society.
Corvus and the Belgian State Archives host a one-day workshop on the role of archival expertise in applied history projects.
Corvus and RETOPEA hold debate about applied history practices (09-03-2021
Bram De Ridder and Violet Soen will join a discussion with the Horizon 2020 RETOPEA (Religious Toleration and Peace) project. They will discuss different practices of applied history, ranging from docutubes to historical consulting. Click here to register.
Violet Soen presents the lecture 'Toegepaste geschiedenis: Een nieuwe constellatie op het snijvlak tussen onderwijs, onderzoek en maatschappij' at the applied history workshop organized by New Political History and Advies&Actualiteit.
Corvus-founder Bram De Ridder was invited by Metaforum KU Leuven to discuss his recent Covid-19 research. Set in the beautiful 17th century 'Holland's college, Dr. De Ridder discussed the risks of historical references with Prof. Dr. Koenraad Matthys.
Julie Wynant and Bram De Ridder discuss COVID-19 for the Flemish noteriat (25-9-2020)
Although the biannual 'conclave' of the Royal Federation of the Belgian Noteriat (Fednot) was postponed due to Covid-19, the notaries invited Corvus to share their insights into the pandemic during a digital prep-session.
Corvus to hold its annual steering committee meeting today (24-9-2020)
In his op-ed for the Dutch-language publication De Tijd, Bram De Ridder warns that companies should not underestimate the risk of identity politics based on the past. Several organisations already saw their products or branding targeted as racist or colonial, whereas others faced disadvantages due to the resurgence of nationalist historical myths.
During the KNHG online lunch seminar on applied history, the Corvus members explained their approach to applied history
Bart Willems discusses the archives of the Belgian Merchant fleet, particularly their background and how to gain access.